
"I Decided Long Ago Never to Walk in Anyones Shadow"

I have been back at school for over a month but it feels like days. We all knew this transition would be difficult but I didn't know how in what ways it would be. I thought it would weird to come back into my grade and see all of the people who I assume judge me. However, I was wrong. It has been the weirdest to be with my friends.
My school is frozen in time. When I got back everything was the same. All the cliques still exist with the same people. My friends are the same people who I have grown to love over the past three years. My grade is the same but I am different.
I have never been myself at school. I'd wear makeup and clothes that make me uncomfortable. I'd pretend to text people or whatever the general social trend was. I made a choice when I got back home from TMS and I hope you all will take it into consideration. I've decided not to care as much about other peoples judgements. In the past week I have been called "weird" or "strange" dozens of times because I am not afraid to dance in the hallways or allow people to get to know me. It has hurt but I refuse to 'conform to society'. In my mind, 'weird' is synonymous to strong because I am not afraid to be myself anymore.