
"I Decided Long Ago Never to Walk in Anyones Shadow"

I have been back at school for over a month but it feels like days. We all knew this transition would be difficult but I didn't know how in what ways it would be. I thought it would weird to come back into my grade and see all of the people who I assume judge me. However, I was wrong. It has been the weirdest to be with my friends.
My school is frozen in time. When I got back everything was the same. All the cliques still exist with the same people. My friends are the same people who I have grown to love over the past three years. My grade is the same but I am different.
I have never been myself at school. I'd wear makeup and clothes that make me uncomfortable. I'd pretend to text people or whatever the general social trend was. I made a choice when I got back home from TMS and I hope you all will take it into consideration. I've decided not to care as much about other peoples judgements. In the past week I have been called "weird" or "strange" dozens of times because I am not afraid to dance in the hallways or allow people to get to know me. It has hurt but I refuse to 'conform to society'. In my mind, 'weird' is synonymous to strong because I am not afraid to be myself anymore.


  1. I so agree! Mountain School has made me realize it's ok to be weird, it's ok to dance in the hall, sing off key, and take care of chickens.

    Well... maybe I don't take care of chickens at Fieldston (oh well), but you have reminded me how inspiring an experience TMS was, and how none of us should ever lose that inspiration.

    Thank you for reminding me!!

    Julia W.

  2. I feel the same! I've noticed that since I've been back in school that I've been singing in public all the time, something I never really did before. I have also just let go of any worries concerning people judging me because I've realized that that really doesn't matter. I'm glad that you too have been able to hold on to this and be yourself. :) Keep being awesome! – Amber

  3. Being out there is the best. Be yourself. I am absolutely crazy and do stuff other people wouldn't because I don't give a crap about an image or how some stuck up jerk thinks im weird. But be careful of the good weird bad weird line...I often cross that one...
